No sex, but I live near a city


What is it with Sex & The City? Yeh, I know it’s finished, but I’ve been re-watching some of the first series (and they were only 25 min’s long, how did we cope?!). The characters are great, and we all like to think that we’re similar to them in some way. But in reality, we’re nothing like them at all. If I had friends like that, I’m sure I’d be jealous, I’d want some of the action they’re getting! But, when I’m at home watching the girl’s and their day to day lives, I feel no jealousy, in a small way I feel honoured to see what they’re up to & sharing with us.
In my imaginary world, I have a life like that, a life where I buy shoes all day, stop for a spot of lunch (gaining no weight of course), drink the night away, and shag until the milk-man has delivered 2 pints of semi. I guess that’s the point though, it’s a world away from what happens to the majority of people, it’s a way to escape all the drudgery, a way to see how the other half live (or should that be how the other 116th live?!).
It’s fun and I like it. I’m just glad I’ve now got the DVD’s to watch. I can get lost for a few hours each week, and think what my life could have been like if I’d been born on the other side of the Atlantic.
Over and out, second blog completed & filed with time to spare.