Monday, March 30, 2009 

I'm cursed

* Today I'm not listening to anything, I'm too darned upset! *

Would you bloody believe it? I go and post how Fifi Trixibelle and I got back together, then next thing I know, she's broken up with me again. I tell you, I'm cursed.

It seems to be the same reasons as last time, and I feel pretty shitty about it all. I fought and fought last time, but I just don't have it in me now. It felt so wrong last time, but this time she's really taken it out of me. I feel devastated.

Just wish I could stop the crying. That would be a big help.

Saturday, March 28, 2009 

Late breaking news

* Tonight I am mostly listening to: September – Cant Get Over *

So, I know it's a little late for blogging, and I also acknowledge that it's been a while since I left a little message, but I just had the urge to post something.

Well, the big news is that I actually got back together with Fifi Trixibelle. As you'll see from my previous post, I was pretty gutted, and the whole breakup just felt wrong. And because of this, I did what I never thought I'd do. I fought for her.

Initially it didn't work. I left it for a few days and I fought again. I threw everything at her, I even told her I'd fallen in love. Which is no lie. I just hadn't openly admitted it as I was so damn petrified of falling for some one again (that will be down to He Who Must Not Be Named then). So another night followed, I got drunk, drowned my sorrows, felt ever-so slightly hungover and ended up feeling rather sorry for myself, then got a text saying she'd been a twat, she did want me in her life and would I consider taking her back.

Well, that was a turn around. Call it intuition or whatever you want, but I just had that feeling it wasn't over. And guess what? It wasn't. I wanted to take her back straight away, but the sensible part of me (yes, there is a sensible part) wanted to make sure that she meant it and it wasn't just a guilty reaction to all my fighting (please note, not begging, I'd never beg for anything). So after a lot of phone calls, I determined that her intentions were genuine, and she was genuinely sure she wanted to get back together.

So here we are. Happy together again! Well, mostly. We have a few niggles (mostly pre-menstrual). She feels that's she's not giving me enough, but actually, I'm reasonably happy with the way things are. We see each other a couple of times a week, but that's about the same as He Who Must Not Be Named, and a lot more than The Mrs (ex). Yeah, it would be nice to see each other a bit more often, but luckily I'm one of those people who's happy with their own company, so it's not really that much of a problem to me.

So, yes, the story continues...

Little Miss Giggles was happy once again