Wednesday, February 23, 2005 

It's SNOW use complaining!

Well, this was the view from my bedroom window at 07:06 this morning...

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Yes, after all the false starts, it finally snowed (and settled) overnight! Now, it may not look like a lot, but trust me, it was more than enough to slow the roads of Cambridgeshire down! And to add to the early morning frivolity, I saw the most amazing hat! It was Laa Laa stylieeee!

Now, despite all the early morning excitement, the snow hasn't lasted : (
I just know you're going to have trouble believing this, but this was the view from the same bedroom window at 17:08 this evening...

No Snow!
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NEWS UPDATE: More snow is predicted over night!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005 

There's definitely something missing around here...

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Time for another bizarre story, and again it concerns the favourite topic of the moment. No, not the snowy weather (or lack of it in my case), but a missing penis! (See earlier post's: Birkenhead beauty takes more than second prize & Prize for bizarre story of the week)

It seems that once again, a member of the fairer sex has taken a liking to her other half's best friend. Reading between the lines, you have to presume that she couldn't face the taste of it again, and decided the only way to stop "it" once and for all was to flush it down the toilet. At least she had the heart to take him to the hospital, and being a conscientious woman, even tidied up after herself! Now, that's dedication!

Monday, February 21, 2005 

It's SNOW use to anyone

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Well, we didn't get the predicted snow, which is a bit disappointing really. Would have been good to stay home all day. It actually reminded me of when we were at school & we used to hope that the heating system would break down. No such luck today though...

Of course, we don't get anything like the snow in this great picture. Now, that's what snowed in really means! In the UK, the whole road network comes to a complete stand-still (or at least the roads us Southern softies drive on). With just a couple of centimetres, we all start to panic, cars are queuing for miles to get fuel, there's a rush on buying wellies & you can't find a pair of gloves in any shop. And have you noticed all the different hats that suddenly start to appear?! Look at me, I can do snow, I wear a hat! Of course, I'm nothing like that, although I do have to confess that I have a fine selection of hats just ready & waiting for a bit of cold weather (a tasteful collection of course, non of this pink fluffy ear malarkey).

Anyway, cold weather is predicted for the rest of the week, so let’s just hope for a few impassable centimetres. All together now "I'm dreaming of a white February & March".

Friday, February 18, 2005 

Can anyone remember what I forgot?

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In February 1992 I had the chance to visit Russia. Being young & never having travelled particularly far, I thought it was absolutely wonderful! We bought illicit Russian champagne from the hotel waiters, ate a Big Mac meal at Russia's first McDonalds, and saw Vladimir Illich Ulyanov (that’s Lenin to us mere mortals) lying in his mausoleum. There was so much to see, and it was so different to anything I'd ever experienced before. After returning from the trip, I had such vivid memories that I thought would always stay with me. It's been 13 yrs since that trip, and for something that was supposedly so memorable, why can't I remember everything about it?!

I've met certain people, who say they don't take photo's because they have the images in their mind. I'm not like that. I like to take pictures, and I've now decided that too many photo's are not enough! Yes, you do get the dodgy ones, but for every 150 like that, you're bound to get one worthy of National Geographic. I just don't want to come home from a trip and wish I'd taken a photo of something, and never have the chance to go back again.

I'm not saying this photo is the best, but I just like it. I know it was one of the first I took on my Russian trip because I wrote the date on the back.

Caviar anyone?

Monday, February 14, 2005 

Tell me why - I don’t like Mondays.

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Not only do I dislike Mondays, but to add to the burden, it’s Valentine’s Day as well. It’s all pink hearts & soppy love stories every where you look! If it was Christmas, I’d be saying “bah, humbug”. Yes, I am one of those people who have a real hatred for all things Valentines related. I know it’s boring, and quite frankly even I skip over the other blogs that go on about it; “Woe is me”, “I’m all on my own”, “Nobody loves me”. AHHH! I hate it, and I hate myself for feeling like it!

Of course, I haven’t always been like this. Like the typical romantic female that I am, it used to be one of my favourite days, and it was a day of celebration, it was *our anniversary* as well (pass the sick bag). But, like everything if life, that has now changed, and it’s back to being just another ordinary day.

But it’s on days like this that I start to reminisce & think; What if he was THE ONE? Being a true romantic, I like to think that out there somewhere, everyone has that special person, THE ONE, that one person you were destined to be with. It’s just a matter of finding them, and if at all possible, keeping hold of them. You might meet them on a bus, or in the check-out queue whilst buying your tampax & paracetamol, but irrespective of the location, you’ll know that person was destined for you , and you were destined for them.

Anyway, I promise I won’t rant like this again (well, not for a few months at least). After all, what is your blog for, if not a place to let off steam?

Enough of the pink already! It’s giving me a headache!

And would you believe it, I just spent £65 on a pair of boots that are1 size too small?! Can’t take ‘em back, just gotta wear ‘em to stretch ‘em (unless you’ve got any other bright ideas…)

Saturday, February 12, 2005 

Birkenhead beauty takes more than second prize!

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Second bizarre story of the week is again, testicle related (what is it with testicles this week? Are they on special offer?) This time, the gripping tale involves a native of Birkenhead, who after tearing off her ex-lovers left testicle, popped it into her mouth to hide it (or was it to keep it warm?).

A couple of questions now occur to me. Why choose the left, what made it more appealing that the right testicle? (Being a Libran, I like balance in life). And, what was his friend doing there? Was he there as an impartial adjudicator to award points for style? Or perhaps he was just the ball boy.

Answers on a postcard, or the back of a stuck down envelope, to the usual address.

Thursday, February 10, 2005 

Prize for bizarre story of the week...

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... has to go to the Welsh rugby fan who cut off his testicles! Not sure how that makes him a rugby fan, but at least it didn't have anything to do with sheep or Anne Robinson!

Oh yeh, this is one of the only pictures I could find where the England rugby team weren't looking like complete school boys! I presume the kick went over!

Tuesday, February 08, 2005 

A winner for all SEAson's!

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Something worthy of mention has to be the extraordinary exploits of (soon to be) Dame Ellen MacArthur! Big cheer to the legendry lady for breaking the solo sailing round the world record! No mean feat for the 28 yr old that I’m sure a lot of us admire.

27,354 miles completed in 71 days, 14 hours, 18 minutes & 33 seconds.

WOW. I guess she didn't lose her map on the way round... Wouldn’t it be nice to have a bit of her determination?!

Your homework for tonight? - Read all about it. NOW.

Sunday, February 06, 2005 

No sex, but I live near a city

SATC Posted by Hello

What is it with Sex & The City? Yeh, I know it’s finished, but I’ve been re-watching some of the first series (and they were only 25 min’s long, how did we cope?!). The characters are great, and we all like to think that we’re similar to them in some way. But in reality, we’re nothing like them at all. If I had friends like that, I’m sure I’d be jealous, I’d want some of the action they’re getting! But, when I’m at home watching the girl’s and their day to day lives, I feel no jealousy, in a small way I feel honoured to see what they’re up to & sharing with us.

In my imaginary world, I have a life like that, a life where I buy shoes all day, stop for a spot of lunch (gaining no weight of course), drink the night away, and shag until the milk-man has delivered 2 pints of semi. I guess that’s the point though, it’s a world away from what happens to the majority of people, it’s a way to escape all the drudgery, a way to see how the other half live (or should that be how the other 116th live?!).

It’s fun and I like it. I’m just glad I’ve now got the DVD’s to watch. I can get lost for a few hours each week, and think what my life could have been like if I’d been born on the other side of the Atlantic.

Over and out, second blog completed & filed with time to spare.

Saturday, February 05, 2005 

Will the real tEC tONiK please stand up?

Well, this is going to be the first of a long & successful blogging career (is that the correct terminolgy?!) Some may be mundane, boring, and quite frankly, not at all ineresting, but at least it may keep me happy for a while...

Oh yeh, I forgot to mention, what am I supposed to write about?! Marmite on toast anyone?