Sunday, October 19, 2008 

So close, yet so far

* Today I am mostly listening to: Sheryl Crow – Hard To Make A Stand *

So, the online dating has been going slightly better with the introduction of a new profile. Within days of said profile going live, I was contacted by not just one, but two new chicks. After a bit of online chatting with one (appropriate name still to be decided!), she asked for my phone number so we could text and get to know each better, but without sitting in front of a computer screen. So mobile numbers were exchanged, and no end of text messages were sent.

So, she asked me out on a date. Yah, you're no doubt thinking. And yes, that was how I felt. At first. So we met, and she is as lovely as she comes across in her online messages and texts. And you're no doubt sensing a but coming here... So here goes. But I saw her and just knew I didn't fancy her. I've made mention of it before on here , so it should come as no surprise that I'm on the larger side of life. I'm afraid to say that she was even larger than me. Which I hate to say made me not fancy her. I'm sorry, but I've said it now. So there you go. I hate myself and I'm nothing but a big shit head for not being able to get beyond the size issue.

My Obsession says it's good that I've given it a go and I can't expect to fancy every one. She assures me it's not wrong to have a preferred type. I just can't help but feel bad about it though. I'm doing what people do to me; they don't like me because of my size, but I'm just as bad, I'm doing the same thing to some one else.

So I'm posting a picture of Pink (she's got a new CD coming out, don't you know) in a bid to cheer myself up.

Pink said So What?

Monday, October 13, 2008 

Just my imagination

* Today I am mostly listening to: Stereo Sushi 14 – First Course *

So, I've just celebrated my 30-something birthday, and I've finally updated my dating profile. The old one was boring, and didn't quite say what I wanted it to say. It obviously wasn't working, so I'm hoping my new improved version will have a bit more success. I've also taken the plunge and updated my photo's to some more recent ones. I've also decided to hedge my bets, and I've signed up to another one. Again, not sure how successful it will be, but it's worth a try. It was recommended to me by Screaming N (you may remember her, probably not though). She reckons she's met a few people off there, and has even managed to have meaningless sex. Just between us, I'm hoping for a bit of that as well. Well, if I can remember how to do it...

Anyway, the bareness of my so called love life often makes me think of what I would like in my perfect woman. I've christened her my imaginary girlfriend (original, I know). I can't quite see her face, but she has dark hair, shortish, but not too dykey. She can be either feminine or completely on the scene. Which kind of suits what I want out of a woman. Some one you can introduce to your mother without her realising that you're both getting low down and dirty behind her back.

She's successful, has money (not on a lottery winner level), and has a close group of friends that I'm easily invited in to. If we want to go out for a meal, I know I won't be the one who always foots the bill. We like lying in bed on Sunday morning reading our books & drinking cups of tea (we definitely both drink tea as opposed to coffee). We're happy together even at those silent moments, when some one else might feel the need to fill it some meaningless drivel. We're simply just happy together.

She may or may not exist, but it's nice to think there could be some one out there who will like me as much as I like them.

How to make your own (imaginary) girlfriend