Slack time
* Today I am mostly listening to: Sam Sparro – Black & Gold *
Well, where you do you start when you haven't managed to blog for the past 4 months? As my friend Julie Andrews once said, “lets start at the very beginning, a very good place to start”.
So here goes. I broke up with the Mrs, got back together with her, and broke up again. We're still broken up, although I have to say it's very tempting to go back once again. When I wear my rose tinted glasses everything seems OK, but then I get one of those stroppy texts from her, and I remember all the reasons why I had to end it once and for all.

We did have a good innings though. I reckon we managed to rack up just under two years. I loved her, she said she loved me, but it just didn't feel that way. I agonised over it for ages; spoke to lots of people, both those who knew her and those who didn't. Ultimately it came down to the fact that I finally realised that if it hadn't worked by this stage, then it probably never would. I'm a sentimental old bugger, and she will always be special to me (probably because she was my first, but don't tell any one I said that). For me, there will always be that bond, and if she ever needed me, I'd be there for her in a shot. I think she knows that, and used to play on it, but I think she's realised it won't work with me any more.
So, once again that leaves me young, free, single and on the market! I'm signed up to that trusty online dating site again (you know the one, the one where I found the Mrs), but don't appear to be having too much luck right now. I've been on one date (henceforth she will be known as the Gaelic Princess), and I actually quite liked her, but it doesn't seem to have gone any further. We still e-mail, but there doesn't seem to be any progress beyond that. So, damn it, I'm presuming that it wasn't meant to be! And obviously, that's her loss!
I've also been in touch with my Obsession again. Not because I want to get in her knickers or anything (although the way I feel at the moment, I wouldn't say no). We chatted and I found it useful to talk things over with her. She knows stuff, you know. I also kind of invited myself to see her for the weekend. We're going to do Soho, don't you know. I guess what with me being a bit of a late bloomer, I love to do stuff like that while many others have finished with the scene thing, and they actually find it quite pretentious & boring (take the Mrs for example).
And talking of the scene, Atomic R has shown me the delights of the Birmingham village. It's perhaps strange to use the words “delights” and “Birmingham” in the same sentence, but I'll openly admit I enjoyed all that Brum had to offer. Amongst others, I've experienced Brum's finest that is The Fox and The Gale (or The Nightingale as you non-regulars might know it), and a great time has been had at both. I even met a boyishly cute chica, but alas, never got the chance to speak to her properly (I was dragged off to do some shots, or dance to Toyah Wilcox, or some other fun filled activity). So here goes with the public broadcast section: Jess, if by some weird twist of fate you are actually reading this, yes I am gay (she asked Atomic R), and if you're still remotely interested, I think we should have a proper chat some time. E-mail me, we'll do lunch or something (isn't that what you say?). Oh, and before I forget, I'll be in Brum this Friday, probably not The Gale though.
Oh, and before I pop off to fill up my rather large glass of wine, isn't it great that Heroes is back on?!
Well, where you do you start when you haven't managed to blog for the past 4 months? As my friend Julie Andrews once said, “lets start at the very beginning, a very good place to start”.
So here goes. I broke up with the Mrs, got back together with her, and broke up again. We're still broken up, although I have to say it's very tempting to go back once again. When I wear my rose tinted glasses everything seems OK, but then I get one of those stroppy texts from her, and I remember all the reasons why I had to end it once and for all.

We did have a good innings though. I reckon we managed to rack up just under two years. I loved her, she said she loved me, but it just didn't feel that way. I agonised over it for ages; spoke to lots of people, both those who knew her and those who didn't. Ultimately it came down to the fact that I finally realised that if it hadn't worked by this stage, then it probably never would. I'm a sentimental old bugger, and she will always be special to me (probably because she was my first, but don't tell any one I said that). For me, there will always be that bond, and if she ever needed me, I'd be there for her in a shot. I think she knows that, and used to play on it, but I think she's realised it won't work with me any more.
So, once again that leaves me young, free, single and on the market! I'm signed up to that trusty online dating site again (you know the one, the one where I found the Mrs), but don't appear to be having too much luck right now. I've been on one date (henceforth she will be known as the Gaelic Princess), and I actually quite liked her, but it doesn't seem to have gone any further. We still e-mail, but there doesn't seem to be any progress beyond that. So, damn it, I'm presuming that it wasn't meant to be! And obviously, that's her loss!
I've also been in touch with my Obsession again. Not because I want to get in her knickers or anything (although the way I feel at the moment, I wouldn't say no). We chatted and I found it useful to talk things over with her. She knows stuff, you know. I also kind of invited myself to see her for the weekend. We're going to do Soho, don't you know. I guess what with me being a bit of a late bloomer, I love to do stuff like that while many others have finished with the scene thing, and they actually find it quite pretentious & boring (take the Mrs for example).
And talking of the scene, Atomic R has shown me the delights of the Birmingham village. It's perhaps strange to use the words “delights” and “Birmingham” in the same sentence, but I'll openly admit I enjoyed all that Brum had to offer. Amongst others, I've experienced Brum's finest that is The Fox and The Gale (or The Nightingale as you non-regulars might know it), and a great time has been had at both. I even met a boyishly cute chica, but alas, never got the chance to speak to her properly (I was dragged off to do some shots, or dance to Toyah Wilcox, or some other fun filled activity). So here goes with the public broadcast section: Jess, if by some weird twist of fate you are actually reading this, yes I am gay (she asked Atomic R), and if you're still remotely interested, I think we should have a proper chat some time. E-mail me, we'll do lunch or something (isn't that what you say?). Oh, and before I forget, I'll be in Brum this Friday, probably not The Gale though.
Oh, and before I pop off to fill up my rather large glass of wine, isn't it great that Heroes is back on?!