Tell me why - I don’t like Mondays.

Posted by Hello
Not only do I dislike Mondays, but to add to the burden, it’s Valentine’s Day as well. It’s all pink hearts & soppy love stories every where you look! If it was Christmas, I’d be saying “bah, humbug”. Yes, I am one of those people who have a real hatred for all things Valentines related. I know it’s boring, and quite frankly even I skip over the other blogs that go on about it; “Woe is me”, “I’m all on my own”, “Nobody loves me”. AHHH! I hate it, and I hate myself for feeling like it!
Of course, I haven’t always been like this. Like the typical romantic female that I am, it used to be one of my favourite days, and it was a day of celebration, it was *our anniversary* as well (pass the sick bag). But, like everything if life, that has now changed, and it’s back to being just another ordinary day.
But it’s on days like this that I start to reminisce & think; What if he was THE ONE? Being a true romantic, I like to think that out there somewhere, everyone has that special person, THE ONE, that one person you were destined to be with. It’s just a matter of finding them, and if at all possible, keeping hold of them. You might meet them on a bus, or in the check-out queue whilst buying your tampax & paracetamol, but irrespective of the location, you’ll know that person was destined for you , and you were destined for them.
Anyway, I promise I won’t rant like this again (well, not for a few months at least). After all, what is your blog for, if not a place to let off steam?
Enough of the pink already! It’s giving me a headache!
And would you believe it, I just spent £65 on a pair of boots that are1 size too small?! Can’t take ‘em back, just gotta wear ‘em to stretch ‘em (unless you’ve got any other bright ideas…)