Double Date
Today I am mostly listening to: Alicia Keys – If I Was Your Woman/Walk On By
Well, things didn’t quite work out as expected. The big date on 18 February didn’t happen just as I feared (I told you I was psychotic, oops psychic) and I really started to wonder whether I would actually get to meet Truly Lovely G. But as you may have noticed, I’m not in floods of tears and there’s no wailing, flailing or gnashing of teeth.
I’m more than happy to announce that the date did happen. It was a bit later than originally planned, but it did happen. And it actually went pretty well, thanks for asking. In fact, it went so well that we’re having another date this weekend.
After what seemed like too many months of chatting on the phone & MSN, I have to say that it actually felt quite strange to finally meet Truly Lovely G. It was like I knew this person, yet I was going through the palaver of meeting them for the first time. So in an effort to get over all the shyness & nervousness (mainly on my part, it has to be said), we retired to the local pub for calming drink (her suggestion). But perhaps I shouldn’t really use the word "calming"...
I’ve always been known as a quick drinker, and by the time Truly Lovely G had taken two sips of her drink, I’d as good as finished mine, which was perhaps a bit of a bad omen for things to come (bearing in mind that I hadn’t eaten since lunch time & it was now 10:30 pm). But despite my penchant for getting too drunk too quickly (I always said I was a cheap date), our conversation soon warmed up and we ended up chatting like we usually did on the phone. All was going well.
We made it to the end of the night, or at least to when the landlady decided she’d had enough of serving us drinks, and we left the pub to make the short stagger back to Truly Lovely G's bachelorette pad. No sooner had I made my way out of the confusing two-door-nasty-step configuration, (also known as the front entrance to the pub) than I ended up flat on my back in the middle of the road. I can’t have taken more than 5 steps on the perfectly flat, non-hazardous pavement when I some how managed to fall over absolutely nothing & completely embarrass myself in front of some one I was obviously trying to impress.

If it had been as rough as this, I could understand the trip...
I was actually quite happy lying on my back in the middle of the road, and if I’m honest, I could quite easily have stayed there for a while (or at least until the road stopped moving beneath me). But in an effort to deny that it had actually happened, I eagerly jumped up & declared that I was absolutely fine and not in any pain what-so-ever. No siree. A few short steps down the road & it became apparent that actually, I was in a bit of pain, and after closer inspection I’d managed to cut my knee, but mysteriously, I hadn’t ripped my jeans.
So that was my stunning introduction.
I’m happy to report that things drastically improved after that and some how my unscheduled trip didn’t appear to put Truly Lovely G off at all. Saturday arrived and we pretty much spent the entire day in bed. We drank tea & champagne, ate pizza & watched the rugby (even though England lost, could this have been my ideal day?!) before creeping out of the house at 10:00pm to wander to the local gay bar (my first experience – and despite my initial misgivings, it wasn’t actually that scary – but that’s another story completely).
So as you can see, it was a pretty successful date and we’ve made plans to do it all again this weekend! Shame England aren’t playing...
Well, things didn’t quite work out as expected. The big date on 18 February didn’t happen just as I feared (I told you I was psychotic, oops psychic) and I really started to wonder whether I would actually get to meet Truly Lovely G. But as you may have noticed, I’m not in floods of tears and there’s no wailing, flailing or gnashing of teeth.
I’m more than happy to announce that the date did happen. It was a bit later than originally planned, but it did happen. And it actually went pretty well, thanks for asking. In fact, it went so well that we’re having another date this weekend.
After what seemed like too many months of chatting on the phone & MSN, I have to say that it actually felt quite strange to finally meet Truly Lovely G. It was like I knew this person, yet I was going through the palaver of meeting them for the first time. So in an effort to get over all the shyness & nervousness (mainly on my part, it has to be said), we retired to the local pub for calming drink (her suggestion). But perhaps I shouldn’t really use the word "calming"...
I’ve always been known as a quick drinker, and by the time Truly Lovely G had taken two sips of her drink, I’d as good as finished mine, which was perhaps a bit of a bad omen for things to come (bearing in mind that I hadn’t eaten since lunch time & it was now 10:30 pm). But despite my penchant for getting too drunk too quickly (I always said I was a cheap date), our conversation soon warmed up and we ended up chatting like we usually did on the phone. All was going well.
We made it to the end of the night, or at least to when the landlady decided she’d had enough of serving us drinks, and we left the pub to make the short stagger back to Truly Lovely G's bachelorette pad. No sooner had I made my way out of the confusing two-door-nasty-step configuration, (also known as the front entrance to the pub) than I ended up flat on my back in the middle of the road. I can’t have taken more than 5 steps on the perfectly flat, non-hazardous pavement when I some how managed to fall over absolutely nothing & completely embarrass myself in front of some one I was obviously trying to impress.

If it had been as rough as this, I could understand the trip...
I was actually quite happy lying on my back in the middle of the road, and if I’m honest, I could quite easily have stayed there for a while (or at least until the road stopped moving beneath me). But in an effort to deny that it had actually happened, I eagerly jumped up & declared that I was absolutely fine and not in any pain what-so-ever. No siree. A few short steps down the road & it became apparent that actually, I was in a bit of pain, and after closer inspection I’d managed to cut my knee, but mysteriously, I hadn’t ripped my jeans.
So that was my stunning introduction.
I’m happy to report that things drastically improved after that and some how my unscheduled trip didn’t appear to put Truly Lovely G off at all. Saturday arrived and we pretty much spent the entire day in bed. We drank tea & champagne, ate pizza & watched the rugby (even though England lost, could this have been my ideal day?!) before creeping out of the house at 10:00pm to wander to the local gay bar (my first experience – and despite my initial misgivings, it wasn’t actually that scary – but that’s another story completely).
So as you can see, it was a pretty successful date and we’ve made plans to do it all again this weekend! Shame England aren’t playing...