* Today I am mostly listening to: Solange – I Decided (She's lovely, she is) *I'm a lucky girl. A very lucky girl indeed. Not only do I have one new woman in my life, but I have also managed to bag myself another one. Yep, you heard correctly. I have two new women in my life. And I'm just loving it!
Let me introduce you to them. Firstly there is
Fifi Trixibelle (keeping in-line with our no-name policy). She's the one I went on the date with the other week. The one you may remember I dismissed due to being a lard-arse (oh, the guilt, the guilt). Well, seeing as we got on so well, we kept in touch, texted a lot, talked a lot, e-mailed a lot, and well, generally speaking, things just moved on from there. It wasn't intentional, but it is nice to feel wanted by some one again, especially after the debacle with
The Mrs (ex). She's funny, clever, articulated, generous and lots of other things that I really like. We get on, she's gets my humour and I get hers. We laugh, we chat, we kiss, we do all the other stuff too. It's just nice.
However, all is not rosy in the lesbian love garden. She wants more and I just don't know if I can give it. It means committing to a relationship, and I just don't know if I can do it. But I'm hard pressed to give you a valid reason why. Is it the weight issue, is it the distance (she lives an hour away), or am I just not ready? Don't get me wrong, there are lots of reasons why a relationship would be good (see above), but I can't quite get to that stage. So, for the moment we remain friends with benefits (I refuse to use the term fcuk buddies, it's more than that).
So, now let me introduce you to my other woman,
Diana. She's my new project. I've wanted to do something creative for a while, and after not really knowing what to do, I think she may just be the outlet I've been searching for. I found her by accident, but knew I liked her as soon as I saw her. I just had to have her! So I ordered her, she arrived, and I was just so nervous about taking her out of her protective packaging. But I did it, and I'm happy to say we spent the afternoon together.
It's strange really, I'd got so used to using my digital camera, and relying on the little screen to show me what I'd just taken. But now I've gone completely old skool, and I find myself using a
medium format film camera; this time last week I didn't even know what one of those was.
I was slightly nervous at first, but then felt so liberated! You just point and click, and have absolutely no idea what you've just taken. It's just so liberating! Will it be crap, will it be good, will I have wasted the whole damn film? You just don't know until you get your prints back. So as much as I'd like to display the results here, I'm afraid I can't quite do that yet, so you'll just have to make do with some rather tasty shots of Diana herself.

Yes, she has arrived

Can we set her free?

Yes, we can!

Diana in all her plastic beauty

Ah, the stunning Diana...