Can anyone remember what I forgot?

Posted by Hello
In February 1992 I had the chance to visit Russia. Being young & never having travelled particularly far, I thought it was absolutely wonderful! We bought illicit Russian champagne from the hotel waiters, ate a Big Mac meal at Russia's first McDonalds, and saw Vladimir Illich Ulyanov (that’s Lenin to us mere mortals) lying in his mausoleum. There was so much to see, and it was so different to anything I'd ever experienced before. After returning from the trip, I had such vivid memories that I thought would always stay with me. It's been 13 yrs since that trip, and for something that was supposedly so memorable, why can't I remember everything about it?!
I've met certain people, who say they don't take photo's because they have the images in their mind. I'm not like that. I like to take pictures, and I've now decided that too many photo's are not enough! Yes, you do get the dodgy ones, but for every 150 like that, you're bound to get one worthy of National Geographic. I just don't want to come home from a trip and wish I'd taken a photo of something, and never have the chance to go back again.
I'm not saying this photo is the best, but I just like it. I know it was one of the first I took on my Russian trip because I wrote the date on the back.
Caviar anyone?