Monday, May 21, 2007 

Text abuse

I get quite a lot of texts (and that's not meant to be a boast), the majority of which are probably from The Mrs. Some are memorable, some are just deleted straight away. I received what I reckon is one of the best texts ever at the weekend; "And what do you do in your house?! Watch films and wank!".

Oh, how I laughed. The sender was obviously having a go (I guess you had to be part of the text conversation to see that), but it had the opposite effect, it brought tears to my eyes. I just couldn't help but laugh, and let me tell you, they were big belly laughs. My sides still hurt now.

Friday, May 18, 2007 

Is it wrong...

... that I found Ruth Badger strangely attractive on Badger Or Bust?

And I swear I saw two chicks snogging on Neighbours the other week... I'm confused.