It's SNOW use to anyone

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Well, we didn't get the predicted snow, which is a bit disappointing really. Would have been good to stay home all day. It actually reminded me of when we were at school & we used to hope that the heating system would break down. No such luck today though...
Of course, we don't get anything like the snow in this great picture. Now, that's what snowed in really means! In the UK, the whole road network comes to a complete stand-still (or at least the roads us Southern softies drive on). With just a couple of centimetres, we all start to panic, cars are queuing for miles to get fuel, there's a rush on buying wellies & you can't find a pair of gloves in any shop. And have you noticed all the different hats that suddenly start to appear?! Look at me, I can do snow, I wear a hat! Of course, I'm nothing like that, although I do have to confess that I have a fine selection of hats just ready & waiting for a bit of cold weather (a tasteful collection of course, non of this pink fluffy ear malarkey).
Anyway, cold weather is predicted for the rest of the week, so let’s just hope for a few impassable centimetres. All together now "I'm dreaming of a white February & March".