Just how much does it really cost to fall in love?
Whilst perusing the latest news stories over a cup of tea this morning, I came across this little piece of enlightenment.
According to a recent survey, the average Brit spends over £38,000 during their lifetime in a bid to find love! (I think I’d better get saving). But the worrying thing is that should you find yourself in a meaningful relationship, it’s more than likely to end within 12 months... Oh dear.

Today I am mostly listening to: Kings of Leon - Joe's Head
According to a recent survey, the average Brit spends over £38,000 during their lifetime in a bid to find love! (I think I’d better get saving). But the worrying thing is that should you find yourself in a meaningful relationship, it’s more than likely to end within 12 months... Oh dear.

Today I am mostly listening to: Kings of Leon - Joe's Head