Band Aid
Today I am mostly listening to: The Stone Roses – Waterfall (heard it on 'Cutting It' last night – What a great track!)
In principle, I like the idea of the charity wristband. It’s a bit more exciting than a sticker, and slightly cooler than buying a raffle ticket. I like the fact you can buy something & proudly wear it to show your support for your chosen charity. In fact, I was more than happy to pay my way & make a donation to Mr Armstrong (the first charity wristband I was aware of). In return he sent me a little yellow piece of rubber. Not only did it look good, but also I felt I was joining the ranks of the rich & famous in their support for a worthwhile cause.
The problem I now have is twofold. Firstly, it appears that the colours you proudly wear actually have some hidden meaning. This morning over a steaming cup of Earl Grey, I came across this little piece of enlightenment (I’d just like to state for the record that I AM NOT A DAILY MAIL READER). Now, I don’t own that many wristbands & to be honest I have only ever worn one at a time, but if I was to wear all of them at the same time, what would they shout out about me? Knowing my luck, I’d be the straight lesbian in the corner with a penchant for Fox’s Glacier Mints!
Secondly and perhaps more importantly, if I continue to wear a charity wristband, I’d end up looking like an effing chav! Thanks to all those people flogging the fake charity wristband (examples include Lovestrong instead of Livestrong - Or is that a real one? I've lost track), they have now become part of the uniform of the Burberry wearing masses.
So having had a short while to reflect, I think I’m going to continue to wear my wristband (please note, only one at a time), as it will be quite clear to all that I’m not a chav, there’s no Burberry in site and I’m not eating Glacier Mints!

Chav band anyone?
Oh yeh, I didn’t get any Live 8 tickets... but I couldn’t have gone anyway, I’ve got that wedding to go to!
In principle, I like the idea of the charity wristband. It’s a bit more exciting than a sticker, and slightly cooler than buying a raffle ticket. I like the fact you can buy something & proudly wear it to show your support for your chosen charity. In fact, I was more than happy to pay my way & make a donation to Mr Armstrong (the first charity wristband I was aware of). In return he sent me a little yellow piece of rubber. Not only did it look good, but also I felt I was joining the ranks of the rich & famous in their support for a worthwhile cause.
The problem I now have is twofold. Firstly, it appears that the colours you proudly wear actually have some hidden meaning. This morning over a steaming cup of Earl Grey, I came across this little piece of enlightenment (I’d just like to state for the record that I AM NOT A DAILY MAIL READER). Now, I don’t own that many wristbands & to be honest I have only ever worn one at a time, but if I was to wear all of them at the same time, what would they shout out about me? Knowing my luck, I’d be the straight lesbian in the corner with a penchant for Fox’s Glacier Mints!
Secondly and perhaps more importantly, if I continue to wear a charity wristband, I’d end up looking like an effing chav! Thanks to all those people flogging the fake charity wristband (examples include Lovestrong instead of Livestrong - Or is that a real one? I've lost track), they have now become part of the uniform of the Burberry wearing masses.
So having had a short while to reflect, I think I’m going to continue to wear my wristband (please note, only one at a time), as it will be quite clear to all that I’m not a chav, there’s no Burberry in site and I’m not eating Glacier Mints!

Chav band anyone?
Oh yeh, I didn’t get any Live 8 tickets... but I couldn’t have gone anyway, I’ve got that wedding to go to!