A few things to do before it’s too late
I’m now in a much happier place than I was when I started this list. The idea was to try & escape the dark clouds that were beginning to surround me by thinking of a few things to inspire & lift the soul. The thing is, even though things are a bit brighter at the moment, I appear to have lost my creativity mojo because the list really isn’t that imaginative!
Please note, NOT in order of preference!
1. Learn to ride a motorbike (just think, motor cycle courier could be my perfect job – seeing as I still don’t know what my perfect job would be)
2. Get married in Vegas by Elvis
I declare thee husband & wife...
3. Have a lesbian affair (Why not try something different? Just think, you could live on that memory for decades...)
4. Be there in person when England win the World Cup again (Like they did in 2003).
5. Stay in your hotel room for a whole day & night and just live off room service & giggles (John & Yoko anyone?)
6. Get drunk on nothing but champagne (it’s just gotta be done hasn’t it? And weddings when you’re 13 don’t count)
7. Be famous for at least one thing (I could cope with seeing my name up in lights!)
8. Drive a really fast car really fast round a race track (I like driving fast, I just don’t get a legal opportunity to do it)
9. Write a best-selling novel (yep, still waiting for the best selling idea).
10. Have enough money to do all of the above!
Can’t think of many more at the moment, but perhaps I should also add that it would be nice to get together with my obsession (yes, I'm still obsessing)
Today I am mostly listening to: Kings of Leon – Happy Alone (I am really loving Youth & Young Manhood right now)
Today I am lusting after something to do over the bank holiday weekend – I don’t want to stay at home & stew in my own juices. Oh, and a sense of humour just like Catherine Tate’s would be quite nice as well
Hope you're OK now! My sister was marrried by Elvis, it was actually very cool... lesbian affair? I think every woman should at least try it once. I have always wanted to do the John and Yoko thing too!
Posted by
Innocent Bystander |
Sat Aug 27, 12:22:00 am BST