Every little helps
Today I am mostly listening to: See below!
Aren't MP3 players great? Where else can you start in Leeds with CUD - Strange Kind Of Love, travel over the water to the home of Chicago Blues to hear BB King - Help The Poor, pop back over the water to the midlands to The Wonderstuff - Ruby Horse, then time travel back to 1995 to De'Lacy - Hideaway, going via Havana for a bit of Buena Vista Social Club - Candela, and finally make it back to France for Les Rhythmes Digitales - Jacques Your Body? I know I've said it before, but I reckon random all play is an excellent invention.
Anyway, I’ve digressed. I went to stock up on festival provisions last night. Don’t ask why, but at 9:30 pm I decided to go to Tesco (the Mrs was getting battered in the pub at the time). I managed to come back with some noodles, a frisbee, some pikey red wine in a box (it’s 13% alcohol though, so don’t knock it until you’ve tried it), and some cans of sausages & baked beans.
Aren't MP3 players great? Where else can you start in Leeds with CUD - Strange Kind Of Love, travel over the water to the home of Chicago Blues to hear BB King - Help The Poor, pop back over the water to the midlands to The Wonderstuff - Ruby Horse, then time travel back to 1995 to De'Lacy - Hideaway, going via Havana for a bit of Buena Vista Social Club - Candela, and finally make it back to France for Les Rhythmes Digitales - Jacques Your Body? I know I've said it before, but I reckon random all play is an excellent invention.
Anyway, I’ve digressed. I went to stock up on festival provisions last night. Don’t ask why, but at 9:30 pm I decided to go to Tesco (the Mrs was getting battered in the pub at the time). I managed to come back with some noodles, a frisbee, some pikey red wine in a box (it’s 13% alcohol though, so don’t knock it until you’ve tried it), and some cans of sausages & baked beans.
I’m starting to worry about how I’m going to carry it all though. I don’t reckon TLG’s trolley will be able to carry all the provisions, plus the tent, the airbed, the stove (which I still need to buy) & the chairs. At this rate, it looks like we may be making more than one trip from the car to the campsite. I’m just hoping there are no major hills to navigate. Coming from the flat lands of Cambridgeshire, I’m not used to mountain climbing.
Anyway, with the amount of stuff I have lying about my flat, anyone would have thought I’m going away for 5 months, not 5 days! Honestly, there’s Tesco bags, Argos bags, Morrison’s bags everywhere. And I don’t really know what I’ve bought and what I haven’t. All I can say is role on Thursday, when it will be too late to worry about it.

It's that time of year again