When is a friend not a friend?

Are you ignoring me?
Posted by Hello
That is the question that I have been pondering for a while now. I have a friend (or should that be “there is a person that I know”?), who hasn’t actually spoken to me for 3 months. Now, you may think there is nothing strange in this, after all, you go through periods in life where you don’t see friends for a while, you live in different places, etc, etc. But not in this case.
We work in the same office, so we see each other 5 days out of 7. We went out on the town most weekends, often went on shopping trips, and confided in each other when things were tough (and boy-o-boy did we have some tough times!).
I walk in the office every day & always open with a cheery “Morning!” in the hope that I will get more than a grunted “hi” in response. But 3 months on, and the response is still the same. Now you’re probably asking why haven’t I made the effort to sort this out? Well, I regularly go through phases where I think that life is too short to not be friends & I should just make the extra effort to sort it out. But then there are the other times when I again think that life is too short, and I shouldn’t bother wasting any more time on people who clearly don’t value our friendship that much after all. It’s a difficult situation & it puzzles me most days.
After reading all the above, you should also note that it’s not the first time it’s happened. Thinking about it, I reckon it’s happened on a some what monthly-ish basis, so I wonder if this is a clue?! Perhaps all along I should have just bought her some PMT tablets! Hmm, interesting, but I have to say that I’ve pretty much already made my mind up, & I’m going to call it a day. There’s no point flogging a dead horse when it’s already covered in flies (© tEC tONiK March 2005), and looking at this friendship, I can hear the flies buzzing from here.