Long time no blog!
Hello one and all! Yes, it’s been a short while since my last blog, possibly because I haven’t really had much to report & my score on Stick Cricket hasn’t improved greatly! Life has been neither overly exciting nor coma-inducing boring. It’s been pretty much fair-to-middling as some might say! (And I don’t think anyone I don’t want to see this blog has been reading it... If that makes sense to anyone)
The time is ripe for a new beginning
No, I’m not becoming a born-again tree-hugging hippy (although that is a career I haven’t yet considered...), I’ve decided to try out a couple of new things with this blog – After all, the world of blog is ever growing & expanding, and if all else fails, at least it will give me something to write about!
New addition – Part 1
The first new addition I’ve seen done a few times under various different disguises. I like the idea of it, so I’ve pinched it and have decided to incorporate it here. In a bid to give it a name I haven’t seen else where, I hereby name the new feature "Today I am mostly listening to..." (*The fanfare & applause fade away*). My aim is to try and include it some where within each worthy entry, it won't necessarily be something I'm listening to all the time, it might just be the last song I heard as I got out of my car before going to work, but it will probably be something that has stuck in my mind for some reason.
New addition – Part 2
I’ve decided to add another new section that won’t necessarily appear on an entry-by-entry basis (it might not even appear on a weekly or monthly basis), but it will certainly be here from time to time. I hereby name the second new feature "Object of my desire" (seriously, not joking about this one, no sireee).
And I am happy to report the Object of last week’s desire as:

Mmmm, Asics
Posted by Hello
Yes, I now own them and I am happy to report that last weeks desire is fully satisfied!
Hope you don’t think I’m overdoing it, but here is the object of this week’s desire:

Mmmm, Nike rifts
Posted by Hello
I don't own them... yet. The thing is, I just can't decide on what colour. Any suggestions? (And no, I don't have a shoe fetish. Well, I don't think I do...)
Oops, almost forgot!
Today I am mostly listening to: Hazel O'Connor - Will you
The time is ripe for a new beginning
No, I’m not becoming a born-again tree-hugging hippy (although that is a career I haven’t yet considered...), I’ve decided to try out a couple of new things with this blog – After all, the world of blog is ever growing & expanding, and if all else fails, at least it will give me something to write about!
New addition – Part 1
The first new addition I’ve seen done a few times under various different disguises. I like the idea of it, so I’ve pinched it and have decided to incorporate it here. In a bid to give it a name I haven’t seen else where, I hereby name the new feature "Today I am mostly listening to..." (*The fanfare & applause fade away*). My aim is to try and include it some where within each worthy entry, it won't necessarily be something I'm listening to all the time, it might just be the last song I heard as I got out of my car before going to work, but it will probably be something that has stuck in my mind for some reason.
New addition – Part 2
I’ve decided to add another new section that won’t necessarily appear on an entry-by-entry basis (it might not even appear on a weekly or monthly basis), but it will certainly be here from time to time. I hereby name the second new feature "Object of my desire" (seriously, not joking about this one, no sireee).
And I am happy to report the Object of last week’s desire as:

Mmmm, Asics
Posted by Hello
Yes, I now own them and I am happy to report that last weeks desire is fully satisfied!
Hope you don’t think I’m overdoing it, but here is the object of this week’s desire:

Mmmm, Nike rifts
Posted by Hello
I don't own them... yet. The thing is, I just can't decide on what colour. Any suggestions? (And no, I don't have a shoe fetish. Well, I don't think I do...)
Oops, almost forgot!
Today I am mostly listening to: Hazel O'Connor - Will you