Wednesday, July 27, 2005 

Ich bin Englisch

It’s no secret that I’ve dabbled in the world of online dating, and to be fair it hasn’t been that successful yet. However, I will persevere and may some day visit Innocent over at his stomping ground in an effort to entice some more unsuspecting men. I’m also pleased to report that I’ve received another e-mail in response to my carefully created profile. This time it’s from a tractor enthusiast! How lucky am I?! But before I continue any further, the online dating game is not the purpose of this post.

To regular readers (is there more than one?!) it will be no secret that I’m currently enjoying the single life after 6 years out of the game. The rules are slowly coming back to me, but I’m clearly still at the beginners level and I can only improve from here.

Now, life in all its wisdom has thrown me one of those curve-ball thingies that come along every now and then. I’ve actually met some one who I think is OK and who I think I could quite like. We have a little bit in common, and more importantly he’s a younger man (I’ve always wanted to try one of those out).

But before you get carried away, there are just a few minor bumps along the road to happiness. When I met him he only had 2 weeks left before he had to go back home (he’s not from this fair and pleasant land that we call England). The two weeks are now up and he’s buggered off back to where he came from.

Is this the road to happiness or just a dead end?

Neither of us made any kind of enduring statement on departure. After all, we’d only known each other for a couple of weeks; we were just having a laugh. He was completely battered; I was stone cold sober, so I’m not sure what sort of conversation it would have been anyway!

The problem now is that I think I actually quite like him. Is it just my mind playing tricks, or is there something more serious lurking in the background? Do I want him just because I can’t have him?! Who can tell, certainly not me (it’s my mind after all).

I’ve never been one to make rash decisions, so I think it’s going to be a case of sitting this one out until the storm is over. I can contact him, so I’ll just have to wait and see what happens. It’s not as if I’m going to give up my job to go and live in a country where I don’t speak the language purely based on a two-week friendship... Mind you, that sounds like a good idea for an unscheduled adventure... Passport anyone?

Now I’ve got that off my chest, perhaps I can finish that bloody Sudoku that’s been bugging me for the past few days!

Today I am mostly listening to: John Legend - Used to love U

Monday, July 25, 2005 

Edited highlights of my day (25 July 05)

  1. Smiley Bus Stop Man had an umbrella and wasn't wearing shorts this morning.
  2. I got my 'Cloudy Day' parking spot at work.
  3. There was a nasty smell in the office and I was convinced The Cruncher had farted or simply just smelt.
  4. I had a ham & mustard roll for lunch (wholemeal roll, proper French mustard from French France).
  5. I didn't manage to complete The Guardian's medium Sudoku from Friday 22 July.

Yes, my day was rather boring Posted by Picasa

Today I am mostly listening to: New Seekers - I'd like to teach the world to sing (Yes, I am in a rather strange mood again, and no, I haven't taken my imaginary dog for a walk this evening - it's raining.)

Friday, July 22, 2005 

Just beat it

With all this talk of more bombings, this story brought a small smile to my face on an otherwise dreary day (it's raining here).

Today I am mostly listening to: Nina Simone - I Want A Little Sugar In My Bowl

Tuesday, July 19, 2005 

Sunny spells

Yesterday was a reasonably good day by my standards. The best part being that I played tennis for the first time in approximately 9 years. And I won 6 – 2.

The sun was right in my eyes and it was too windy, but I still had a great time. My serve still worked and once warmed up, the forehand was back to normal. I even managed a few volleys. It may have been boring by other peoples standards, but I enjoyed it! I just hope it won’t be another 9 years before I play again.

That’s it. No other major update to report of.

Saturday, July 16, 2005 

A virgin entry to the online dating game

After a bit of persuasion from dear old Innocent, I finally decided to take the plunge and enter the murky world of online dating. Despite the drought in my love life, there was a bit of resistance on my part. For some reason, I had the idea that it just shouted of desperation and I didn’t think I’d reached that stage yet (sorry to all the people I’ve just offended!). But thanks to a bit of cajoling from Innocent, and also hearing about his happy experiences, I thought what the hell I’ve got nothing to lose, it sounds like a laugh, and I’m sure worse things have happened at sea (sea-sickness, ice burgs, mutiny’s...).

So after carefully choosing which website would be the lucky recipient of my profile, I just had to write the darn thing. Now, I found this no easy task. How can you say in a minimum of 20 words that you’re actually quite nice and not some desperate bunny-boiling sex-depraved freak?!

With the profile agonisingly written, the next step was to select a photo that hid the multiple chins, yet also made me look stunningly beautiful. I don’t really have that many photos to choose from. I actually prefer to take pictures rather than pose for them. But despite this I managed to narrow it down to two photos (admittedly I only had around 5 worthy ones to choose from). So there was no other option but to post both photos to my profile and sit back and wait for all the emails to flood in.

Note to self: Try to see photo before agreeing to blinde date.

This did not happen as expected. My profile had been live for less than 24 hours (my photo’s hadn’t even been approved), when I received my first response. Getting all excited, I eagerly opened the email to discover that it was from a 51 year old who lived in my home town. Ok, I thought to myself, even though he’s way out of my preferred age range don’t reject him straight away, he could be a George Clooney/Pierce Brosnan type of a guy.

No. He was neither. Not even close. Not wanting or meaning to cause offence to anyone, he was a vastly obese ginger-haired computer geek, who I soon discovered was also quite desperate. A week later he sent another email introducing himself again. Not being completely heartless I sent a thanks but no thanks email.

Unfortunately things don’t seem to have improved much beyond that. I’ve had two further emails, which haven’t exactly rocked my world – One from a male nurse (am I the right orientation for this guy, or do I just look slightly masculine?!) and one from a lonely widower (can I really cope with this guys emotional baggage as well as my own?! I only want a bit of fun after all).

So, it looks like it’s back to the drawing board with the profile (any helpful hints on writing a stunning profile would be greatly appreciated!). Either that or I just unleash my profile on another website... Or just give up completely...

Answers on a postcard to the usual address.

Today I am mostly listening to: John Legend - Lets get lifted

Today I am really lusting after some iced lemon Earl Grey tea. Does anyone know where I can get some?!

Monday, July 11, 2005 

The post that was actually quite serious

Once again it’s been long time since my last post & let’s face it, quite a lot has happened in the past week. I had all these wonderful ideas whirling round my head and as soon as I got chance I planned to write them down in some coherent form & post them here. But on Thursday last week all that changed & everything I’d been thinking of seemed pointless & just thoughts that I’d better keep to myself.

To the best of my knowledge, I don’t know anyone that was involved in the events of Thursday 7 July. I just know that all the friends & relatives that had any remote chance of being anywhere near one of the bombs are all OK, and I’m eternally grateful for that.

An excellent description from Innocent Bystander can be read here. And I recommend you read it now.

Enough said.