A load of sweaty old bollocks
I’m a bit pissed off to say the least. I went to the gym this evening for my programme review. I was there on time & when the instructor eventually turned up, she looked up my details on the computer & ever so calmly announced that I actually needed a full programme review & a re-introduction session (just like your induction programme, but they "reintroduce" you to the equipment...), and instead of the half hour I’d originally booked, I’d need an hour session. Apparently because I haven’t been for over a year I’ve some how forgotten how to use all the equipment... Then just to cheer me up, she wanted to charge £32 for the privilege. I wouldn’t bloody mind, but I only wanted my bloody key updating with the bloody new equipment.
But that’s not what has really pissed me off. After giving me the discount rate of £10 (which I did appreciate), she then took me off to the consultation room to weigh me & take my blood pressure. OK, I knew I’d put on weight & obviously I’m back at the gym to try & lose it again. So that was fine and no big surprise (and I actually weighed less than I thought I would). She then took my blood pressure, which was absolutely fine, but announced that my pulse rate was too high (96 bpm). She reliably informed me that it should be less than 84 bpm. Apparently she’s allowed to take it three times. So she took it three times. The second time it was 111 bpm, the third time it was 109 bpm (deep breathing obviously didn’t work that well). And because of this I’m now not allowed to use the gym until I have a letter from my doctor saying that I’m OK to use it. So it doesn’t matter that I’m actually at the gym to try & improve my health, I have to have a sodding note from my doctor to say that I’m allowed to be there!
I wouldn’t mind so much, but she’d wound me up in the first place by being late (I hate people being late), gone on about how I should have had a different appointment, I’d been "sold the wrong product" and I’d have to pay extra money (lots). She’d then worried me when she took my blood pressure the first time by saying my pulse was very high (that’s a good way to relax me) & it was OK as I had three attempts to get it right (there’s nothing like putting a bit of pressure on you). After my failed third attempt, I explained that I’ve always had a high pulse rate (it’s no lie, I have) and even when I was Sport Billy’s sister (i.e. very active; tennis, squash, swimming and/or running every day of the week) my pulse was always higher than those doing much less than me. And actually, it’s never been an issue before, so why should it be now? Don’t get me wrong, I fully understand that she’s following the guidelines & procedures that are there to protect me & them, but actually, she could quite easily have taken into account all the external factors that could possibly be making my pulse rate higher than normal, and actually listen to what I’m saying about my history. The bloody annoying thing is, I had my bloody pressure taken last week & my pulse was 85 bpm, and you never know, she might have let me get away with it being one point over their recommended levels (Wiki says it should be between 60 – 100, so there).
I can be quite shy & reserved when it comes to speaking out (I know I shouldn’t be), but I told her I was very disappointed with the whole situation, and actually, I was at the gym to do something about my health, and it was more than likely that I wouldn’t bother getting a letter from my doctor as it was just too much hassle all round (trying to get anything out of my doctor is like trying to get blood from a stone. Well, that’s when my doctor is actually there; she only works every third Monday of every fourth month, and then she only takes appointments between 9:57 & 10:26 in the morning – OK that’s possibly a bit of an exaggeration...). I know it’s no skin off her nose, and it’s only myself that I’m harming by not getting a doctors note, but I was so pissed off about the fact that I’d done the proper thing of booking an appointment when all I really needed was my bloody bollocking key updating.
So I’ve had a really productive night tonight; I’ve missed three precious hours overtime at work (could have paid for a diving trip on holiday), I ended up sitting in traffic for three quarters of an hour on the way home (it should only take 10 mins), and I never got to have my stress-busting workout. I suppose I should be thankful that at least I got to have my sun bed... Oh, and I had an argument with the Mrs yesterday and I haven’t heard from her since.
So all’s well then.
Just like tEC tONiK, Pink was screaming, angry & annoyed (and I don't mind admitting that this pic is only here to try & cheer me up!)
But that’s not what has really pissed me off. After giving me the discount rate of £10 (which I did appreciate), she then took me off to the consultation room to weigh me & take my blood pressure. OK, I knew I’d put on weight & obviously I’m back at the gym to try & lose it again. So that was fine and no big surprise (and I actually weighed less than I thought I would). She then took my blood pressure, which was absolutely fine, but announced that my pulse rate was too high (96 bpm). She reliably informed me that it should be less than 84 bpm. Apparently she’s allowed to take it three times. So she took it three times. The second time it was 111 bpm, the third time it was 109 bpm (deep breathing obviously didn’t work that well). And because of this I’m now not allowed to use the gym until I have a letter from my doctor saying that I’m OK to use it. So it doesn’t matter that I’m actually at the gym to try & improve my health, I have to have a sodding note from my doctor to say that I’m allowed to be there!
I wouldn’t mind so much, but she’d wound me up in the first place by being late (I hate people being late), gone on about how I should have had a different appointment, I’d been "sold the wrong product" and I’d have to pay extra money (lots). She’d then worried me when she took my blood pressure the first time by saying my pulse was very high (that’s a good way to relax me) & it was OK as I had three attempts to get it right (there’s nothing like putting a bit of pressure on you). After my failed third attempt, I explained that I’ve always had a high pulse rate (it’s no lie, I have) and even when I was Sport Billy’s sister (i.e. very active; tennis, squash, swimming and/or running every day of the week) my pulse was always higher than those doing much less than me. And actually, it’s never been an issue before, so why should it be now? Don’t get me wrong, I fully understand that she’s following the guidelines & procedures that are there to protect me & them, but actually, she could quite easily have taken into account all the external factors that could possibly be making my pulse rate higher than normal, and actually listen to what I’m saying about my history. The bloody annoying thing is, I had my bloody pressure taken last week & my pulse was 85 bpm, and you never know, she might have let me get away with it being one point over their recommended levels (Wiki says it should be between 60 – 100, so there).
I can be quite shy & reserved when it comes to speaking out (I know I shouldn’t be), but I told her I was very disappointed with the whole situation, and actually, I was at the gym to do something about my health, and it was more than likely that I wouldn’t bother getting a letter from my doctor as it was just too much hassle all round (trying to get anything out of my doctor is like trying to get blood from a stone. Well, that’s when my doctor is actually there; she only works every third Monday of every fourth month, and then she only takes appointments between 9:57 & 10:26 in the morning – OK that’s possibly a bit of an exaggeration...). I know it’s no skin off her nose, and it’s only myself that I’m harming by not getting a doctors note, but I was so pissed off about the fact that I’d done the proper thing of booking an appointment when all I really needed was my bloody bollocking key updating.
So I’ve had a really productive night tonight; I’ve missed three precious hours overtime at work (could have paid for a diving trip on holiday), I ended up sitting in traffic for three quarters of an hour on the way home (it should only take 10 mins), and I never got to have my stress-busting workout. I suppose I should be thankful that at least I got to have my sun bed... Oh, and I had an argument with the Mrs yesterday and I haven’t heard from her since.
So all’s well then.

LOL, great post and a great blog, nice one, you just summed up every normal persons experience with gyms I think.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sun Feb 04, 08:25:00 am GMT