Ahh, Ahh…Choo!

As Mother always said, Coughs & sneezes spread diseases
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As if the threat of the supervolcano isn’t enough to contend with, I’m now being threatened by the common cold (is there really no cure for it yet?!). Not only do I have the mother of all sore throats, but I also have one of those annoying coughs. I’ve been coughing so much that I get to the point where I don’t have enough energy to give a real full-on, chest-clearing cough, but I can only manage a pathetic little squeak that has no benefit what so ever (just think of Little Britain’s “computer says no” & the little cough that follows – well it’s half as strong as that). Sorry to lower the tone, but what is it with all the phlegm?! Where on earth does it come from?! I swear that it’s not of this world, so if there’s some ancient God of the Cold out there, please spare me the bunged up nose, snotty tissues and watery eyes. I’ll willingly leave Lemsip & Beechams Cold & Flu remedy at your shrine, just give me the map (and no, I don’t work for either of them!)
Anyway, as you were. Rant over.