Quick, hide! It's a volcano!
Mount St Helens (no offence, but it's not a supervolcano!)
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Bit thin on the ground for ramblings this week, but I feel that BBC 1’s Supervolcano is worthy of a small comment. For any one that didn’t get chance to see the programme, it was all about America’s Yellowstone National Park & the magma (yes, that’s M.A.G.M.A) that lies bubbling & boiling beneath, and the possible consequences of a supervolcanic eruption. It was split over 2 nights, and it was well worth a viewing. I sat for most of the first part with a knot in my stomach!
When thinking of volcano’s, I normally think of all that oozing lava & the pyroclastic flows, but this programme showed the damage that all the ash can cause (just imagine a concrete-like substance forming in your lungs after you’ve been breathing it in for a while!). And before all the Brits out there start thinking they’re safe from the supervolcano, we could feel the effects of it here too. Not only in the ash fall out, but also in the change in the world’s weather system (on average, a temperature drop of 12 degrees that could last for up to 10 years!). Ooo, we’d better start panic-buying now!