It’s official…
…There is no cure for the common cold! The Echinacea didn’t work; it was obviously the lull before the storm, because after thinking I didn’t have a cold, it attacked me with a vengeance! Blocked nose, watery eyes, chesty cough (ooo-err mrs), yes, I had/have still got the works.
And on to more mundane things, it’s been quite an annoying week really. Had to visit the evil that is the dentist, because a filling I never wanted in the first place had fallen out! Every time I had a drink, I could feel it all the way round my jaw & into my chin! Painful to say the least!

There's no need to lock me in, I only came for a check-up...
Posted by Hello
And on a very disappointing note, the even more evil that is my landlord has put up my rent! I phoned to enquire the reasons behind it, and was told that as I’ve been living here for over a year, it’s time for an increase! Now, is that a proper reason?! Why couldn’t they just say “we wanted more of your hard-earned cash, because we’re greedy penny-pinching bastards”? At least I could have understood that!
Yeh well, it’s also Easter, so more time to spend at home. Great to have the long weekend, just a shame I’ve not got that special some one to share it with (woe is me, poor me, what’ll become of me?! … Did you get the sarcasm?!). It’s also his birthday tomorrow, but I definitely won’t be wishing him the best on his special day… He can shove his birthday where the sun don’t shine! Blah, blah, blah, broken-hearted bitch strikes again! : ) (Yes, that’s the first official mention of he who must not be named).
Anyway, enough already. I'm sure it must be time for that afternoon tipple!
And on to more mundane things, it’s been quite an annoying week really. Had to visit the evil that is the dentist, because a filling I never wanted in the first place had fallen out! Every time I had a drink, I could feel it all the way round my jaw & into my chin! Painful to say the least!

There's no need to lock me in, I only came for a check-up...
Posted by Hello
And on a very disappointing note, the even more evil that is my landlord has put up my rent! I phoned to enquire the reasons behind it, and was told that as I’ve been living here for over a year, it’s time for an increase! Now, is that a proper reason?! Why couldn’t they just say “we wanted more of your hard-earned cash, because we’re greedy penny-pinching bastards”? At least I could have understood that!
Yeh well, it’s also Easter, so more time to spend at home. Great to have the long weekend, just a shame I’ve not got that special some one to share it with (woe is me, poor me, what’ll become of me?! … Did you get the sarcasm?!). It’s also his birthday tomorrow, but I definitely won’t be wishing him the best on his special day… He can shove his birthday where the sun don’t shine! Blah, blah, blah, broken-hearted bitch strikes again! : ) (Yes, that’s the first official mention of he who must not be named).
Anyway, enough already. I'm sure it must be time for that afternoon tipple!