TFI Friday...
(OK, at time of writing, it's Thursday, but at least there's no mention of Chris Evans. Apart from that one, Doh!).
Yes, I’m looking forward to Friday this week. I’ve got a night out with the girls from work (minus the friend who isn’t a friend). The plan is to go for a curry, find a bar then, depending on the bloatedness, we may hit a club. To all you mere mortals out there, it may not seem like a big deal, but since the dramatic break-up from he who must not be named, my social life has dwindled somewhat. So yes, I’m looking forward to a night out. Having had quite a few nights like these with the girls, I know what a drunken extravaganza they can turn into (no photographic ever evidence exists), so this time I’m hoping to build on the girls-night-out reputation and introduce them all to a cheeky little number that is commonly known as a turbo shandy. I’m not exactly a veteran of these myself (they weren’t invented when I was student, we had to rely on Blastaway’s), but I’m pretty sure they’ll go down well.

Oh alright then, just the one...
Posted by Hello
To add to the excitement, I had a great bit of news arrive in my inbox this afternoon. Well, OK, I admit it’s not "hold the front page" type of news, but it bodes well for Friday night. I wouldn’t describe myself as desperate or neurotic, but occasionally I like to read my stars and if there’s a good bit of news hiding round the corner, then I’d like some advance notice. For all you Librans, I quote as follows: "The sky's the limit when it comes to love and romance today. You deserve a break, so when someone offers you a dream come true, just go for it. Take the initiative and go where others fear to tread". Wow...
As much as I hate the phrase, I quite like the idea of an fcuk buddy (See Sex & The City). After the trauma of he who must not be named, I’m not looking to jump straight into another long-term relationship, but a woman has her needs & this could be an answer for the moment. You know how it goes, find an eager younger man, train him up & you’re doing a service for all women!
Hmm, I think I’ve been reading too much innocence... Except he has more luck! (*Walks away coyly, giggling to self*)
Yes, I’m looking forward to Friday this week. I’ve got a night out with the girls from work (minus the friend who isn’t a friend). The plan is to go for a curry, find a bar then, depending on the bloatedness, we may hit a club. To all you mere mortals out there, it may not seem like a big deal, but since the dramatic break-up from he who must not be named, my social life has dwindled somewhat. So yes, I’m looking forward to a night out. Having had quite a few nights like these with the girls, I know what a drunken extravaganza they can turn into (no photographic ever evidence exists), so this time I’m hoping to build on the girls-night-out reputation and introduce them all to a cheeky little number that is commonly known as a turbo shandy. I’m not exactly a veteran of these myself (they weren’t invented when I was student, we had to rely on Blastaway’s), but I’m pretty sure they’ll go down well.

Oh alright then, just the one...
Posted by Hello
To add to the excitement, I had a great bit of news arrive in my inbox this afternoon. Well, OK, I admit it’s not "hold the front page" type of news, but it bodes well for Friday night. I wouldn’t describe myself as desperate or neurotic, but occasionally I like to read my stars and if there’s a good bit of news hiding round the corner, then I’d like some advance notice. For all you Librans, I quote as follows: "The sky's the limit when it comes to love and romance today. You deserve a break, so when someone offers you a dream come true, just go for it. Take the initiative and go where others fear to tread". Wow...
As much as I hate the phrase, I quite like the idea of an fcuk buddy (See Sex & The City). After the trauma of he who must not be named, I’m not looking to jump straight into another long-term relationship, but a woman has her needs & this could be an answer for the moment. You know how it goes, find an eager younger man, train him up & you’re doing a service for all women!
Hmm, I think I’ve been reading too much innocence... Except he has more luck! (*Walks away coyly, giggling to self*)