To blog or not to blog? That is the question.
Blogs are funny old things. A good number of us write down our innermost thoughts, and think nothing of sharing them with the secret world that is blog. Yet when it comes to sharing any of these thoughts & ramblings with a member of your family, if you’re anything like me, you’d probably run a mile & deny all knowledge of knowing what a blog is. "No it’s not mine, it’s just one I like to read from time to time", I mumbled in my defence (despite the fact there’s a picture taken from my bedroom window...).
This weekend, I think a member of my family discovered my blog. "It’s not that bad" you’re probably thinking, but when I think back to my drunken night of debauchery (OK, there was no debauchery, but we were very drunk, and we all fancied a bit, given half a chance), and I remember my desperate-woman rant and... Oh, I don’t even want to think about it, let alone write about it!
For some reason it makes me feel guilty, almost like I’m trying to hide the fact I blog (Yeh, been trying to kick the habit for a while now. Currently doing 5 posts a week, just gotta cut back some how). So in a bid for freedom, Atomic Rosie, if you’re reading this, I trust that you will understand that it is just a harmless bit of fun and quite possibly the demented ramblings of some one who should know better! Oh, and I hope you forget the web address just in case I want to write about how evil you are! (Love ya really sis!)

Damn, it's back to Disguises-R-Us for me...
Posted by Hello
This weekend, I think a member of my family discovered my blog. "It’s not that bad" you’re probably thinking, but when I think back to my drunken night of debauchery (OK, there was no debauchery, but we were very drunk, and we all fancied a bit, given half a chance), and I remember my desperate-woman rant and... Oh, I don’t even want to think about it, let alone write about it!
For some reason it makes me feel guilty, almost like I’m trying to hide the fact I blog (Yeh, been trying to kick the habit for a while now. Currently doing 5 posts a week, just gotta cut back some how). So in a bid for freedom, Atomic Rosie, if you’re reading this, I trust that you will understand that it is just a harmless bit of fun and quite possibly the demented ramblings of some one who should know better! Oh, and I hope you forget the web address just in case I want to write about how evil you are! (Love ya really sis!)

Damn, it's back to Disguises-R-Us for me...
Posted by Hello