Wednesday, June 29, 2005 

Well it made me laugh

You can lead a horticulture, but you can't make her think
Dorothy Parker

As quoted on Trivia Test Match, Friday 24 June 2005.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005 

I'm losing my marbles

It's official. I took my imaginary dog for a walk tonight.

Have you seen my dog?

Today I am mostly listening to: Chuck Berry - You never can tell
(Yeh, I know, completely unrelated to my madness)

Wednesday, June 15, 2005 

Band Aid

Today I am mostly listening to: The Stone Roses – Waterfall (heard it on 'Cutting It' last night – What a great track!)

In principle, I like the idea of the charity wristband. It’s a bit more exciting than a sticker, and slightly cooler than buying a raffle ticket. I like the fact you can buy something & proudly wear it to show your support for your chosen charity. In fact, I was more than happy to pay my way & make a donation to Mr Armstrong (the first charity wristband I was aware of). In return he sent me a little yellow piece of rubber. Not only did it look good, but also I felt I was joining the ranks of the rich & famous in their support for a worthwhile cause.

The problem I now have is twofold. Firstly, it appears that the colours you proudly wear actually have some hidden meaning. This morning over a steaming cup of Earl Grey, I came across this little piece of enlightenment (I’d just like to state for the record that I AM NOT A DAILY MAIL READER). Now, I don’t own that many wristbands & to be honest I have only ever worn one at a time, but if I was to wear all of them at the same time, what would they shout out about me? Knowing my luck, I’d be the straight lesbian in the corner with a penchant for Fox’s Glacier Mints!

Secondly and perhaps more importantly, if I continue to wear a charity wristband, I’d end up looking like an effing chav! Thanks to all those people flogging the fake charity wristband (examples include Lovestrong instead of Livestrong - Or is that a real one? I've lost track), they have now become part of the uniform of the Burberry wearing masses.

So having had a short while to reflect, I think I’m going to continue to wear my wristband (please note, only one at a time), as it will be quite clear to all that I’m not a chav, there’s no Burberry in site and I’m not eating Glacier Mints!

Chav band anyone?

Oh yeh, I didn’t get any Live 8 tickets... but I couldn’t have gone anyway, I’ve got that wedding to go to!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005 


It doesn't happen often, but here's a good reason to be cheerful!

Brett Lee. On his arse! :-)


Today I am mostly listening to: 10CC - Dreadlock holiday (I'm not really, but it's a good link! "I don't like cricket, I love it")

Saturday, June 11, 2005 


19 - 13.

It's back to the drawing board then.

Thank God for BO'D

Mind you, it could always have been worse...

Enough said.

Today I am mostly listening to: Nuyorican Soul - Run away

Tuesday, June 07, 2005 

Annoyances, annoyances everywhere

Today I am mostly listening to: Basement Jaxx - Mere Pass (why have I never heard this before?!)

This week I am lusting after Live 8 tickets (already entered the draw 5 times)

Don't know if it's the weather, the time of the month or the position of the moon, but some people are REALLY getting on my nerves!

There's someone in our office who, when speaking on the phone, always finishes their sentences with the word "super". A typical conversation goes like this:

What about the flight on the 27th?

(Enter relevant answer here)

OK. Super.

I know it's not annoying in itself and for all I know it could be code for a dirty conversation & a bit of telephone sex, but now I've noticed it, I notice it all the time. I have to stop myself from shouting out loud "IT’S NOT SUPER!"

Did you hear me? I said IT'S NOT SUPER!

Another example of an annoying person is the friend who's not a friend. We're still not on speaking terms & just to prove a point, I always make sure I start the day with a cheery "Morning!" & finish it with a cheery "Night!" I don't get any response now; I just like to make the point. Luckily I've recently moved desks so she's no longer in my direct line of site (although we are still in the same office). The not-so-lucky side of this is that I can still hear her dulcet tones & the annoying laugh that punctuates every sentence (and I mean EVERY sentence). As you may already be aware, this is one of my pet-hates. In fact, it's beyond annoying. There is just no need for it.

I wish I could record that shiver-inducing (shiver in a bad way, not a good way) laugh & post it here for all to endure, but if I did that I'd never get any readers again (if there are any here in the first place...). It's difficult to describe. It's not only the timing of the laugh, it's also the tone & pitch of each out burst. If it's at all possible, imagine nails being dragged down a blackboard but in the format of a laugh.

Anyway, enough said. Rant over.