Warning! Long & rambling post!A while ago I met some one (no, not
him who buggered off back over the water – this is some one else who, for various reasons, I decided not to write about). As soon as I met this person, I knew I liked them. This person had one of those magnetic personalities and an absolutely cracking sense of humour, and even though we’d never met before, I just knew we’d get on. And get on we did!
We were part of a small group, the majority of which came from various parts of the world, and to add to the mix, half of us had never met before. I’m happy to say that it was one of those occasions in life where every one got on with each other, almost as if we’d known each other for years. As much as I liked everyone in our little group, I knew I liked this one person a little bit more than the others. It was just a case of deciding whether it was the friendship kind of like or the fancy kind of like.
At the time it was definitely the friendship kind of like, with a hint of this could possibly be the fancy kind of like, and I actually thought the feelings might be reciprocated, but due to circumstances, and the fact I could have read the situation completely wrongly, I thought it best not to make any kind of move (after all, who wants to look like a fool?!). On returning home we sent a few e-mails & texts but then it kind of just died away. After which point, I just presumed I’d read more into it than there actually was – after all, we’d only met for a few days and due to the complete lack of action in my love life I’d obviously read the whole situation wrong! (Mind you, it didn’t stop me having the odd daydream!).

Obsessed, moi?
Fast forward to this weekend and out of the blue I had a missed call from this person. Strange, I thought to myself, I wonder why they’re calling me. With them being an honorary Londoner, one of my first thoughts was that there had been more bombs (but why phone me?!). After returning the call & only receiving an engaged tone, I sent a light hearted non-committal text message. Within 20 minutes my phone was ringing and I’m trying to hold a conversation whilst driving my car (sorry officer). Due to the ambient sounds of London street life and the roaring engine of my diesel car, it was quite difficult to hear everything that was being said, but I think I got the gist of the rather one sided conversation.
I don’t really want to go into the full details of the conversation, but suffice to say, it was a conversation I wouldn’t expect to have with some one who’s just a friend. The problem was, as soon as I parked my car and made it into my flat (where I could concentrate on what was really being said), the conversation was cut short with a "...anyway, gotta go. I’ll speak to you in the week". Hmm... not what I wanted or expected to hear.
Now, let’s get down to why I think I might be obsessed. In my usual way, after the e-mails & texts dried up, I pushed all thought of this person from my mind & simply refused to entertain the idea that there might be more to it than the usual. But now all it has taken is one slightly bizarre (and I’ve since found out) drunken conversation, and all I can now think about is this person. I struggled to get to sleep last night and when something woke me up 4:45 this morning, I was unable to get back to sleep again until 5 minutes before my 7am alarm went off. And whilst sitting here writing this my stomach keeps doing those little flippy things just at the mere thought or mention of this person (and I’m sure I keep going red because some how people can read all these thoughts in my head!).
To add to this happy little concoction, when I missed the phone call, I just happened to be on a date with some one I’d met from my online dating debacle. Now, just picture the scene; I’m on a date but I’m more excited about a phone call I’ve MISSED than I am about the bloke I’m with... There must be something wrong there! (To keep you updated, he’s a tall and lanky rower, but he sure ain’t James Cracknell! – Oh,
James Cracknell, you just would wouldn’t you?!).
So, after all that, the only conclusion I can come to is that yes, I am obsessed. Either that or I’m just down right weird!
Today I am mostly listening to: Christina Aguilera – Dirty